Monday, March 31, 2008


Am not a big fan of Mondays, they cut into my knitting time. Don't get me wrong I like having a job, it pays the bills, keeps the kitties in kibble and keeps me in yarn. :) but this whole waking up at 5:30am...ya, not a big fan of that.

I didn't do much knitting over the weekend, my tummy was either doing flip flops or I was napping or daydreaming about napping.

It's Tuesday now, and thanks to an old podcast of She-Knits, I signed up for Ravelry. I want to be a cool kid.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh happy day!!!

I am quite pleased with myself today. I was able to finish DB socks that I knit for him a while ago. Up until yesterday, I had no clue how to close the toes and reading directions on how to do a kitchener stitch baffled me to no end, but thanks to and some wonderful lady who was kind enough to record a tutorial of how to do a kitchener stitch, I too can now kitchener stitch like no one's business! I'm so happy that I finally learned, I want to knit more socks, just so I can graft the toes shut. =)

I actually just started a new pair of socks, pattern from hello yarn...skull socks of fury! oh how i love skulls.

and once again, I am late to the party...

Here’s what you do:

Open your music library, set settings to “Shuffle” and play. Record each song in order with the category. Be amazed! astounded! at your mp3 player’s ability to perfectly represent you as a music-listening artist.

1. Opening Credits: Far Behind - Candlebox
2. Childhood: On a Plain - Nirvana
3. First Day of School: Evenflow - Pearl Jam
4. Falling in Love: Losing All - Down
5. Breaking Up: Sanctified - NIN
6. Falling in Love Again: Only a Fool - Black Crows
7. Breaking Up Again: Miss Independent - Kelly Clarkson
8. Prom: Love Me Tonight - Tom Jones
9. Birth of Child: Waking the Dead - Suicidal Tendencies
10. Life Sucks: Planet Caravan - Pantera (i do heart me some Phil)
11. Life’s Okay: Keep on Loving You - REO Speedwagon
12. Mental Breakdown: Fight for Your Right to Party - Beastie Boys
13. Driving Theme: Truckin' - Greatful Dead
14. Flashback: Temptations Wing - NOLA
15. High School Reunion: Gunpowder and Lead - Miranda Lambert
16. Commitment Ceremony: Dotcha - Pussycat Dolls
17. Middle Age: Mercedes Benz - Janis Joplin
18. Last Years: How Will I Laugh Tomorrow - Suicidal Tendencies
19. Funeral Song: Buena - Morphine
20. End Credits: She Cries & Sings - Martin Sexton

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do not pass go....

go directly to jail.

I am a fraud. I don't really knit with Grey's, I cry with Grey's and well, crying and knitting, 2 great tastes that don't go great together. I feel much better getting that off my chest.

In knitting news I have 6 squares for my log cabin blanket done, am currently awaiting my LYS to get in some new Noro colors. To feed my hunger a simple knit, have decided to knit DB mom a scarf. It's knit with Mohair, in the round. Now, the issiue I'm having is that they reccomend using a 16 inch circular needle with 120 stitches, it seems too long to me. Should I try with a larger size needle (size 9). I don't know.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Off and Running

This daylight savings crap is completely kicking my ass today. GRRRRRRRR
Do they sell Blogger for dummies? I want to show pics of the kitten on the sidebar, but I don't want them always out, and I don't know how to do that! Help?!?

The Log Cabin Kureyon Blanket I started Friday...well, I have 2 squares already done, (pictures soon) to anyone thinking about making this, I say go for it! So~o easy (talk to me again when I'm cursing trying to put the stupid thing together) and the squares are QUICK, oh my! are they quick. However, I am using Silk Garden instead of Kureyon as I had an extra skein of Silk Garden left over from chickies Birthday scarf. Will post pictures as soon as I learn how.

2008 Resolutions

1. Knit something lace
2. Knit something with cables
3. Learn Entrelac and knit a Lady Eleanor (yes I know, I've very late to the party)
4. Will join a KAL
5. Will join a swap of some sort or the Sock Pal (unless that is a secret club...who knows)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Things to Fininsh in 2008

1. Ex FIL's sweater ~ which will gifted to BBT (Big Brother Todd) at Christmas. One sleeve down, one to go. Once second sleeve is complete it's just a matter of piecing it together and putting in a zipper. wee...

2. Knit a pair of socks (or two) for the Chickie (mom).

3. Knit a pair of Monkeys & Jaywalkers for myself. I do believe that I am the last person on earth who has not knit a pair of Monkeys or Jaywalkers.

4. Finish The Log Cabin Kureyon Blanket I started last night inspired by this. Methinks it will be a Christmas prezzie for DB (darling boyfriend).

5. Christmas Stocking for BBT. Won't he be surprised to find it hanging above the chimney with care.

6. Finish the "Prison Break" hat ~ born on having a skein of yarn and a set of circulars in the car and 2 hours to kill waiting for my then boyfriend to post bail.

7. Finish my Birthday Sweater, front down, back started, 2 sleeves left to go. Is there a way to knit both sleeves at once? hmmm.