Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do not pass go....

go directly to jail.

I am a fraud. I don't really knit with Grey's, I cry with Grey's and well, crying and knitting, 2 great tastes that don't go great together. I feel much better getting that off my chest.

In knitting news I have 6 squares for my log cabin blanket done, am currently awaiting my LYS to get in some new Noro colors. To feed my hunger a simple knit, have decided to knit DB mom a scarf. It's knit with Mohair, in the round. Now, the issiue I'm having is that they reccomend using a 16 inch circular needle with 120 stitches, it seems too long to me. Should I try with a larger size needle (size 9). I don't know.

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