Sunday, June 14, 2009

Easy Like Sunday Morning...

It's raining and generally icky out. I have a cuppa joe, my kitties to cuddle with, good movies on t.v. & fun yarn to play's going to be a good day.

Went to the farmers market yesterday, so much fun. I got a couple of the most beautiful tomatoes, some fresh ciabatta bread, mixed with some fresh basil, a little onion, fresh mozzarella, prosciutto, olive oil & balsamic vinegar... the most amazingly fresh, tasty bruschetta. SO GOOD!

Am going to force myself to knit the doomsday sleeve today.

Once that's done, on to the 2nd toe up sock.

Weirdness note, I had a dream about Reanimater last night, which normally wouldn't be so strange except, I've never seen Re-animater...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's sunny an warm here.That means I have miles to run and people to avoid.

Dang now I'm hungry and guilty.I'm going to start on shawl Monday.....or maybe Rens hat.....