I've had many people come into my life at a time when I desperately needed someone. One, who I refer to as 'my secret keeper'. We met in 94, on Prodigy, shortly after Kurt Cobain killed himself, he told a bad joke, I got all butt hurt and a great friendship was born. We talked, wrote letters, he even came out for a visit, 627 miles, a trip I have yet to reciprocate.
He gave me the strength to break up with my boyfriend at the time, he was the first person that I told when my daddy passed away. I remember it, I sent him some lyrics to a song with the words 'he's gone' at the end. We lost touch, like people who meet at a young age do. Life happens, but, certain songs, would make me think of him.
After 18 years of silence, 18 years of failed attempts to locate one and other, one random, beautiful day in June, he found me, again, when I needed desperatly needed someone, someone to remind me of who I use to be, that playful, free spirited, alive, babbling girl. I missed being that girl, funny thing is, I didn't realize she was gone.
It's been close to a year since we last spoke, life happens. Maybe another 18 years will pass before we speak again, if we ever speak again, but I take comfort in the fact that he is out there at the other end of my red string.
i always like hugs from my other angel.
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