Tuesday, October 1, 2013


It is done! Fin! Finished! Ends woven in, old man buttons attached and elbow patches ironed on.

I can't wait to give it to my little bubba on Saturday.  I like this tradition of knitting him a sweater for his birthday.  Little bit of Auntie love for her little bubba. 

Sadly, I have to frog back a bit on the fisherman's sock and start the heel about 5 rows sooner than I did.  Not a big deal really.  My goal is to have these done by our weekend getaway around the end of October.  (same goal for my Irish Coffee Sweater) I totally can do this, at least with the sock because I knit pretty much the foot & heel while watching a bunch of episodes of Supernatural on Netflix Saturday afternoon. 

On a side note, I love my mailman at work, he just brought me gelato from the shop across the street :D

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