Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Finally completed the Stornoway sock.  It fits loverly and the toe is in the correct place!  All in all it took me about 2 days to finish. 

Watched the entire/only season of Lights Out.  Excellent show and I wish it got renewed for a second season.  I can't help but wonder if it got renewed for another season if the ending would have been different. 

I have been M.I.A. as of late.  More on the whys later....there are pictures and everything!!!

I have about 2 inches left on my picot edge sock before I start the heel.  I'm somewhat amazed how much mindless plain ol stockinette stitch I can get done while watching Celebrity Apprentice.  (love you Gary Busey)

Knit about 6 hearts this weekend, listened to alot of Dean and snuggled some kitties.  All in all a good time! :)

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