Monday, April 25, 2011


The reality of the fact that I will not be able to knit 2 twin size blankets for the girls by Christmas has set in.  I then remembered that I have a recipe for some felted Christmas stockings, so me thinks, that instead of 2 blankets, I shall knit the family new Christmas stockings instead.  Maybe embelish them a little to make them unique to each person.  Who knows, this may be another flight of fancy in my twisted head.  Only time shall tell. 

I am loving my picot edge socks, I am at the heel portion now :)  
My goal is to have these done by the end of April so that I may start my Francis revisited sweater in May.  

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

adam said...

Im pushing to get the steering wheel cove finished by Saturday.The 66 has her first car show and I want her to be special