Thursday, August 19, 2010


Cause I just did.

I have seemed to misplace my knitting mojo, I would like to find it, as I have many things to finish. Maybe it's behind the couch.

I have started the sleeve on my brothers cobblestone, started a baby sweater for my cousin (using stash yarn thanktyouverymuch), knit a little on my BSG sock, realized I somehow mucked up a row and am now tinking back a bit, this is what happens when you try to knit and yell at the t.v. at the same time, and have looked at doug's sock, taken out, looked at knit and put it back. weeee.

My birthday prezzie to myself should be arriving today or tomorrow. Hazel Knits sock club for August. I got a sneaky peaky on Ravelry, and OMG! GORGEOUS! I can not wait to see it in person.

Mmmmm, coffee the elixer of life.

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