Tuesday, September 25, 2012

a post with no piccies...shocking!

I have been working on G's Merry Christmas birthday scarf and that's about it.
Although, I bought a spindle and some fiber.  BUT WAIT! There's more! I also signed up for a drop spindle class. WEEEEEE

That's about it.

The Squish is on hold for a little bit, a little too sad to work on it, as it's recipient and I are not speaking at the moment.  I am sad, I could use his advice right now but mostly I miss him, our random conversations, the way he answered the phone with a Yo, or a hey baby, the silly voicemails he'd leave. Oh well.

On a happier note, my sweet little monkey butt, is turning 1.
Can you believe it was almost a year ago that I met the most important little guy in my life, my handsome little nephew.  He's such a mischievous little imp. 

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