Thursday, July 9, 2009

Look Ma....

It's nice out!
Since the beginning of June, we, have had 24 days straight of nothing but rain. It was lovely July 4th & 5th, then rain... today is the first nice day since then and it's only supose to go to the mid 60's, it is July right? The summer? Just checking.

I can't wait for this weekend, I am going to attemp to make english muffins & hamburger rolls.

The hamburger rolls are going to be for chicken parm burgers (recipe couristy of Cara's Cravings) and some bruschetta pasta salad.

The english muffins are a what the hell, I've already made bagels, why not these, kinda deal.

Will let you know how they turn out.

As for knitting, I have done NONE! at all, not even a little. Oh knitting mojo where art thou? i miss you, come back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I can have that too.I'm going to make it this week.Most of the herbs,besides the salt an pepper,can come out of the garden